Friday, March 11, 2011

It's Very Evil For Obama To Protect a Campaign Contributors Doctors’ Who Ignore Multiple Sclerosis, Brain Lesions, Broken Feet, Cancer, and Cardiac Conditions
Top managers of the Obama administration have seen the following evidence and much more, but they will not even ask doctor Greenhood or any of the other doctors’ to stop ignoring life threatening medical conditions !!
Links to more case quotes are seen at the end of this website.
The following quotes were written by Honorable U.S. District Judge Honorable Timothy J. Savage in the case of JACQUELINE ADDIS v. THE LIMITED LONG-TERM DISABILITY PROGRAM :

“MetLife relied almost exclusively upon the report of Dr. Gary Greenhood, an internist specializing in infectious diseases hired by MetLife, who did not examine Addis and did only a records review. Dr. Greenhood selectively viewed Addis’s medical records, and MetLife then selectively adopted parts of Dr. Greenhood’s report to support denial of the claim.”

“Although the denial letter listed reports of several physicians, it relied exclusively on Dr. Greenhood, the internist it had retained, and gave little consideration to Addis’s treating neurologist, Dr. Tatarian. There is no discussion of the reports or findings of any of the other physicians who are listed.”

“Dr. Greenhood selectively extracted portions of Dr. Tatarian’s treatment notes to support his conclusions, which are contrary to those of Dr. Tatarian. At the same time, he ignores parts that bolster Addis’s complaints and support her doctor’s diagnosis and prognosis.”

“In his report, Dr. Greenhood states that Addis’s physical examinations were “either unremarkable or demonstrated increased tone in the lower extremities.” Implying that these were normal findings, he ignored Dr. Tatarian’s observation that the increased tone in the lower extremities was a spinal cord abnormality.”

“Dr. Greenhood states that there were no objectively abnormal findings in the materials he reviewed, creating the impression that the absence of such findings rules out a disabling condition. He also ignores the MRI reports evidencing MS, November 2, 2000, and December 9, 2003. To the contrary, Dr. Tatarian documents a variety of spinal problems; and, MRIs consistently showed the presence of lesions and plaque on the brain. Dr. Greenhood ignores Dr. Tatarian’s report of a positive Babinski sign, which is indicative of nerve damage consistent with Addis’s complaints of stumbling and falling.”

“Both MetLife and Dr. Greenhood ignored the Multiple Sclerosis Medical Source Statement of Functional Abilities and Limitations completed by Dr. Ana Lavdas, one of Addis’s treating doctors. Dr. Lavdas reported that her patient’s prognosis was poor and she had significant functional limitations. Among the symptoms were pain in the lower extremities, fatigue, weakness and shaking in lower and upper extremities, poor coordination, bladder and bowel problems, blurred vision, and other physical problems. She noted that Addis had “significant and persistent disorganization of motor function in two extremities resulting in sustained disturbance of gross and dexterous movement or gait and station.” Dr. Lavdas concluded that her patient was “unable to work,” and could not sustain a job.”

“Significantly, there is no discussion of the records of Doctors Lavdas, McDonald, Gray, Files and McCarel, which he lists as having been submitted to him. Dr. Greenhood simply ignores them.”

“MetLife assigned reconsideration of Addis’s claim to Tammi Phillips, who was not a physician and whose qualifications are unknown.” “Her assessment ignores Dr. Tatarian’s unequivocal diagnosis that Addis was suffering from “relapsing, remitting MS with possible repeat exacerbation.”

“Disturbing, in light of the clear evidence to the contrary, is Phillips’s conclusion that Dr. Tatarian did not provide “any specific restrictions and limitations” that would prevent Addis from performing her own job. On the contrary, Dr. Tatarian specifically recommended that due to her unpredictable weakness, fatigue, sphincter incontinence, visual difficulties, and cognitive problems, Addis could no longer work.”

Civil Action No. 05-357 in The United States District Court For The Eastern District Of Pennsylvania on March 30, 2006
Here’s Dr. Greenhood again.
In the case of Joanne Vick verses MetLife, Honorable U.S. District Judge Robert Cleland wrote that Metlife and Dr. Greenhood ignored a foot that Ms. Vick broke in 5 Places after she developed diabetic kytoacedosis following childbirth.

Here are two exact quotes Judge Cleland wrote in this case :

“Noticeably missing from Dr. Greenhood's report is any mention of Dr. Al-Kassab's November, 2001 office notes, Dr. Churchill's November 13, 2001 office notes, and Dr. Churchill's March 14, 2002 office notes. This is particularly significant in that Dr. Greenhood's August 2, 2004 report specifically noted that "[t]here is no indication of seizures or falls." Dr. Churchill's March 14, 2002 report, however, indicates that as a result of her right sided weakness, Plaintiff broke her left foot in January 2002--in five places, no less.”

“Moreover, both Dr. Greenhood’s and Dr. Gosline's reports contained numerous errors and inherent inconsistencies, which should have been noted by the plan administrator and resulted in less weight being given to them. (E.D. Michigan, Southern Division. No. 03-CV-73124-DT)
Here are exact quotes that prove Metlife is endangering more lives. My doctor wrote these two paragraphs about Metlife :
“In light of the violations Metlife has committed against Mr. Schmittou and Metlife's awareness of the additional harm caused him, Metlife's actions seem irresponsible, inhumane, dangerous, and reckless.”
 "It is my impression that three medical doctors paid by Metlife appeared to have ignored medical evidence. For example, Metlife’s paid consultant, Dr. Yanik, "evaluated" Mr. Schmittou without ever having seen him or his medical record from 2004 through 2008."

(I would like to add that Dr. Yanik did this at the exact time of my father’s four month illness and death, even while I was at his bedside as he struggled desperately for breath during his last hours)
***** Dr. Greenhood mentioned in the two cases above was the first of three doctors’ who ignored the great majority of the visual problems and pain I had after rapid onset of eye cancer symptoms. Two of the doctor’s who did this work for a huge corporation known as Network Medical Review.
* Here are shocking facts about President Obama's refusal to prosecute this deadly pattern of crimes !
* The doctors' who are ignoring medical conditions have agreed to the Hippocratic Oath to protect patients from harm !!
* Please remember the only reason the insurance companies are allowed to sell these insurance policies to 150 million Americans is because they have agreed to be regulated by U.S. Title 29 which mandates :

“ a fiduciary shall discharge his duties with respect to a plan solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries”

“with care, skill, prudence, and diligence”

* * Metlife and other insurance companies have given huge contributions to President Obama and many other candidates from both political parties :

One example is Metlife’s Executive Vice President James Lipscomb gave President Obama $30,000 for his victory party.

* Metlife and Unum Provident have been given four non prosecution agreements while committing the same crimes repeatedly, including one crime where Metlife admitted to multiple million dollar frauds and concealment in the sales of these policies !!

No one was charged with a crime !!

While admitting to multiple frauds in the sales of the policies Metlife’s doctors’ the Judges’ quotes prove Metlife is still endangering many lives by ignoring serious medical conditions in the claims determinations on the policies that Metlife committed frauds to sell !!!!!

**** Please remember that the Courts have written that the Attorney General has the sole authority to prosecute, and  patients can die due to lack of money for medical treatment in the years it takes to get there case before the Courts !!

The Obama administration will do nothing to stop them !

Please go to the following website to see quotes from many more Judges’ who write that Metlife doctors’ they pay ignore life threatening medical conditions :

Please go to the following website to see how multiple insurance companies are committing identical crimes in 5 different types of insurance including the one mentioned above :
Barry Schmittou

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